Sunday, June 28, 2020

Evidence based medicine

Oxford evidence re COVID

Saturday, June 27, 2020


I’m sure that some of Trump’s appeal is on policy but have been confused about specifics
Perhaps we can understand some of  what Trumpism is all about.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

More on nutrition

Saw a bit of a PBS thing on the plant paradox 

Googled a bit and found  an interesting discussion

Overall, somewhat controversial but nuggets of usefulness...  

Big fan of Dr Greger but he might not get everything right.

In my opinion, nutrition is key; weight is a side effect.  If you eat right you are not unlikely to be too heavy.
Yes, weight appears to have correlation with bad health but the true cause is the underlying problem with the nutrition.

Ah, but what is “right”?

Lots is not known but some is.  Plants good, sugar bad, meat carcinogenic...

new evidence  strongly supports plant based.

WaPo has a beat writer on food and nutrition 

Monday, June 08, 2020

Vaccine development

COVID vaccines , types and state of development 

Lots of things might end up working, but no guarantee that anything ever will.