Against systemic corruption
It’s always easy to find something and get outraged, quite rare to
develop a plan to fight itJustice Kennedy’s remark in the majority opinion [Citizen’s United], “The appearance of influence or access, furthermore, will not cause the electorate to lose faith in our democracy,” was out of touch with reality at the time and is now nothing short of fatuous. The problem is not just “the appearance of influence or access,” but the pervasive reality of it. There’s a name for this kind of “influence and access.” Constitutional scholars such as Larry Lesssig and Zephyr Teachout call it “dependence corruption,” or “systemic corruption.” In their writings on the subject these scholars show that the founders regarded this type of corruption as the greatest threat, going forward, to de facto democratic government.
Jayapal has introduced
H.R. 48 which removes corporate personhood…
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