Fire conditions and safety
It’s been a bad week for fires.
Sunday night there was an amazing electrical storm which ended up with at least 10,000 strikes. Many sparked fires, including the River fire near Corral de Tierra. The Carmel Fire appears to have been started by sparks from a chain dragging from a truck. The Dolan fire by Esalen was arson. It’s wiped out the condor sanctuary 😢
So far we are not threatened but air is bad (AQI > 150)
This post is for assembling some links as I keep having to search for them...
Big Sur Kate is a valuable blog, she and the gang are a clearinghouse for info and stay pretty up to date. Local news station is terrible, so it’s great to have this blog.
Ready for Wildfire has guides & checklists for keeping safe, packing a go-bag and prepping the house
Fire safe Monterey links to incident maps for CalFire and Federal
evacuation notices ( I’m only mildly upset that it’s hosted at a private site that requires giving up information to access)
Raw wind and weather data are aggregated and displayed here, they also have an app. I use the IQAir app for air quality.
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